Monday, February 20, 2012

Preston's Song

Preston is a very intelligent little man, very observant and kind. He loves singing and playing all of his "instruments" which include a violin, guitar, piano and drums! Of course these instruments are made from utensils, sticks and parts of broken toys. Toys that he "fixed" with his hammer and wrench. He has those toddler tantrums at least twice a day but he amazes me. He has a special way about him, it's hard to explain but let me just say when he walks into a room its as if the room brightens. I'm saying this not just because he is my child but because i've personally experience his ability to lift up the weary. So with that here is a story that I hope will lift you up!

Preston was with us when we received the diagnosis about Baby Jackson. He saw my tears as well as his daddy's and his little heart understood. You see we have a tendency to forget sometimes that our little toddlers can now understand quit a deal more than we might imagine. My husband and I spoke little about the diagnosis but we were obviously mad at God, scared and sad. It was a long quiet ride home. I would occasionally cry silently while hubby held my hand and reminded me that although not visible he was hurting to. We finally approached our exit, which is usually when Preston starts belting out our "Going home" song. Its a little song I made up coming home from daycare. It kept him from crying and it became a part of our afternoon routine. Instead, we heard a sweet little voice in the back start singing..."Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world" finished it and then went into Jesus loves me. I cried immediately!

 I've had my issues with God and organized religion for a long time. Preston attends church on occasion but i'm ashamed to say we are not regulars. I often have read stories just like this and thought they were nice but never truly believed them. I still have a hard time wrapping my mind around what happened in our car that day. I cry every time I tell it. The God we were so angry with was telling us everything was going to be okay and that he was with us. When all along we thought he had forgotten.

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